Munevver ARISOY
Ankara University Dentistry, Turkey
Title: Gut microbiota and it’s relation with some diseases
Biography: Munevver ARISOY
Each individual encompases a unique intestine microbiota. It has numerous capacities within the body such as supplement digestion system, the intestine mucosal boundary support, immunomodulation and security against pathogens. Intestine microbiota is composed of various microbe species. Gut microbiota has roles in numerous illnesses. The interaction of gut microbiota with numerous diseases was searched through literature and a review was formed. Intestinal microbial communities play an important role in energy homeostasis and may thus modulate weight loss or gain and obesity-associated disorders. Also, the relation of gut microbiota and bacterial metabolites with regulation of blood pressure, chronic kidney disease, cardiovascular disease, inflammatory bowel disease, allergy, asthma and cancer has been defined. Additionally, gut microbiota has roles in several neurodegenerative disorders including Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease. The gut microbiota and related various diseases reflects the importance of microbial association in regulation of these diseases.